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 The Leading Broker in Zimbabwe

Personal Accident Insurance for Individual

At Firstlink we strive to always offer clients relevant, current and the best coverage solutions available globally.

Personal Accident Insurance for Individual

Personal Accident Insurance for Individual is a benefit policy that provides peace of mind to you and your loved ones should you be injured, permanently disabled or killed by accidental means like traffic accidents, accidents at work, mugging by thieves, non-political riots or similar events. It also pays out for injury or death caused by drowning, exposure to noxious fumes, snake bites; hi-jacking, social sports among other causes.

The main benefits under this policy are:

a. Death Benefit – the policy pays out the tax-free insured limit to the
stated beneficiaries.
b. Permanent disability – the policy pays out a percentage (%) of the
death benefit where you become permanently disabled due to 
occurrence of an insured event. For example, you get involved in an
accident and lose a limb. Your doctor determines that you are 25%
disabled and the policy pays out 25% of your death benefit.
c. Medical Expenses Shortfall – cover for medical expenses incurred due
to the insured events. For example, if a road accident occurs that
leaves you requiring medical attention, the policy will pay for medical
expenses up to the limit insured